經口服吸收的藥物在進入全身血液循環前會先到達肝臟。肝臟無時無刻都在進行代謝,而部分藥物也會在這裡被肝臟酵素破壞分解,稱為首渡效應(First-pass effect),之後藥物才會進入全身血液循環,到達目標器官產生藥理作用,當首渡效應太強烈時,藥物的療效將會大打折扣。
舌下給藥 (Sublingual, SL) 適合小分子量、高脂溶性之藥物,其容易經由舌下黏膜微血管快速吸收,直接進入全身循環,而避開肝臟首渡效應,如舌下給予Nitroglycerin可作為心絞痛發作的急救用藥。
Ø 靜脈注射,直接進入全身循環,生體可用率為100%。
Ø 口服投與,生體可用率
Buprenorphine:less than 10%1, 2
Naloxone:less than 2%3
Ø 舌下投與,生體可用率
Buprenorphine:30-50%4, 5
Naloxone:8-10%6, 7
1. Progress report of the NIDA Addiction Research Center. In: Harris LS, ed. Problems of drug dependence. NIDA Research Monograph 41. Rockville, MD: The Committee on Problems of Drug Dependence, Inc., 1982:45–52.
2. Clinical pharmacokinetics of narcotic agonist-antagonist drugs. Clin Pharmacokinet 1983;8:332–343.
3. Low absolute bioavailability of oral naloxone in healthy subjects. Int J Clin Pharmacol Ther. 2012 May;50(5):360-7
4. Sublingual versus subcutaneous buprenorphine in opiate abusers. Clin Pharmacol Ther. 1989 May;45(5):513-9.
5. Bioavailability of sublingual buprenorphine. J Clin Pharmacol. 1997 Jan;37(1):31-7.
6. Sublingual absorption of selected opioid analgesics. Clin Pharmacol Ther. 1988 Sep;44(3):335-42.
7. Effects of sublingually given naloxone in opioid-dependent human volunteers. Drug Alcohol Depend. 1990 Feb;25(1):27-34.